Thursday, August 27, 2020




The word batch means nothing but  group of similar  things. items, jobs   that grouped  together and which having similar characteristics.Now in computer Batch means similar kind of jobs or similar kind of transactions .

Batch in true sense  is a technique in which similar transactions are grouped together and processed sequentially  at once without  any interruption and without end user interaction.

It  is repetitive in nature.

Lets take an example 

 In a bank so many customers maintaining their accounts now I want to calculate interest of their accounts manually which is not possible  so we have to think about  batch processing as interest calculation is similar Jobs  for all various category of accounts .   

The Interest calculation is take place outside business hour as because large number of transactions are involved which can not possible through on-line processing if we do so our daily day to day and time to time work will be effected so interest calculations is one of the example which is supported  by batch processing.

In batch processing all the resources are very effectively used.User interaction is not needed when batch processing going on. In case of transaction processing  it processed transactions one at a time but user interaction is required.


Each batch having header which having a batch number,batch type and number of documents it consists.

Forms or document which need to process are collected during whole day need to be sorted by their type.

Each separate type will create separate batch  like Batch1,Batch 2, Batch 3  now suppose if batch 1 is to large then it is splited into sub batch like B1,B2,B3



When the batch will entered into the system at first batch header information i.e Batch No,type etc.will be checked by batch entry system.

The item in the batch will be written in  file called transaction file  which will be sorted further and which helps to update  the master file.

Each transaction items are matched with respesctive master item and updated accordingly whenever  any changes are reflected a new copy of the master file will be created .

If any error is occurred an error report also generated.

In Banking system batch processing is mostly used  whether it may interest calculation,cheque clearing system charges calculation etc.It is also used in food processing,dairy processing.

It is applicable for large volume of data but not suitable for small volume of data.

Monday, August 24, 2020




              DATA PROCESSING

Today  I would like to discuss about data processing .First of all regarding this a question will arise in our mind that  data and information are same or different thing .What would be the answer lets see .

DATA is nothing but raw thing  which individual meaningless.

INFORMATION on the other hand meaningful or meaning based on the raw facts of data.

Lets take an example :COMPUTER this is a meaningful word which is nothing but an information  but I am telling  alphabet like C,O,M,P,U,T,E,R individually called data not information.When this alphabet combined and creates a meaningful words COMPUTER it is information.Now you are understand the difference between data and information.


It is performed by administrative organization for the business and is followed by systematic recording,arranging,filing,processing and reflecting the physical events occurring in the business.

Example like in an organization said Bank I want to disclose balance sheet to process that physical events I have to  collect so many information related to this means -recorded this data then arranging it properly after that filing it and processing it to get balance sheet.

In simple way data processing consists of




In any application we need to hold the data in various files that is master files and transaction files.

Master files known as permanent file and transaction file which is temporary in nature.

Lets take an example In a company named ABC Company thousand of employees are working

They are taking salary each month and for this company need to generate salary slip for every month now think about it what data is may changed and what data will be the permanent I am listing this below.





The above data is required to generate employee pay slip so from above which data need to set up in master file and which data  need to be store in transaction file it is cleared.We set all permanent data in master file and all temporary data in transaction file.

Sunday, August 23, 2020





Today we are going to discus about classification on computers

It can be classified as

1. Analog





So first we discussed about analog computer.First you have to understand what is analog

It is nothing but continuous physical magnitudes. Lets take an example I want to measure temperature

Of my room or I want to calculate the pressure or voltage this are continuous physical magnitude which are analogous  to the numbers under consideration.

Lets take another example like petrol pump in which quantity of petrol and price of that quantity are the two measurement made by analog computer.These computers gives approximate result as because they deal with quantities which is vary continuously.       




Drawback of analogue computer is it gives the approximate result means the result is not accurate but

In case of digital computer it gives accurate result because it deals with numbers or characters which is expressed as digits in the number systems like binary or decimal.Digital computer is used for business and scientific processing.

Now I am talking that if I am combined both the computer that is analog and digital then it is called hybrid computer where both the features is added.

Digital computer can be used for specific purpose as well as general purpose.

Specific purpose machine doing specific task not have versatility so it can not used for other purpose.

This kind of machine is used to solve complex navigational problems.

Now I am talking about general purpose machine which is used for scientific as well as business purpose application.Now think about storage capacity for scientific purpose the storage capacity need not to be high but for business purpose storage capacity need to be high.

In case of business purpose it may involve thousand of customers and million of transactions,but in case of scientific application input may quite small and output is also small but it involves complex calculation

The processing may involved thousand of calculation so computational speed is critical.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Computer Basic



 Generation of computer actually means changes in hardware and software technology.


It consisted of high speed vacuum tube switching devices.

The computer having small memory.

The first generation computers used Machine languages.



In this generation the concept of transistors was introduce which is upgrade version of tube.It is

most reliable which made computer faster than FIRST GENERATION.It is more cheaper than tubes.

Magnetic disk storage was developed during this period.

 Time sharing became possible in this generation.

Programming language FORTRAN ,COBOL developed during this period.



IC  integrated circuit was first introduce during this period.

Magnetic core memory was replaced by semi-conductor memory.

With the invention of IC’s, it became possible to fit thousands of circuit elements into a small region and hence the size of the computers eventually became smaller and smaller.


VLSI(Very Large Scale Integrated )was first introduce during this period.

VLSI circuits had almost about 5000 transistors on a very small chip

 Development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.

 Microprocessors was  introduced during this period.



These computer uses ULSI(ultra Large scale Integrated) chips .

Working with computers of this generation was fast and multiple tasks could be performed simultaneously.

Some of the popular advanced technologies of the fifth generation include Artificial intelligence, Quantum computation, Nanotechnology, Parallel processing, etc.