Today we are going to discus about classification on computers
It can be classified as
1. Analog
So first we discussed about analog computer.First you have to understand what is analog
It is nothing but continuous physical magnitudes. Lets take an example I want to measure temperature
Of my room or I want to calculate the pressure or voltage this are continuous physical magnitude which are analogous to the numbers under consideration.
Lets take another example like petrol pump in which quantity of petrol and price of that quantity are the two measurement made by analog computer.These computers gives approximate result as because they deal with quantities which is vary continuously.
Drawback of analogue computer is it gives the approximate result means the result is not accurate but
In case of digital computer it gives accurate result because it deals with numbers or characters which is expressed as digits in the number systems like binary or decimal.Digital computer is used for business and scientific processing.
Now I am talking that if I am combined both the computer that is analog and digital then it is called hybrid computer where both the features is added.
Digital computer can be used for specific purpose as well as general purpose.
Specific purpose machine doing specific task not have versatility so it can not used for other purpose.
This kind of machine is used to solve complex navigational problems.
Now I am talking about general purpose machine which is used for scientific as well as business purpose application.Now think about storage capacity for scientific purpose the storage capacity need not to be high but for business purpose storage capacity need to be high.
In case of business purpose it may involve thousand of customers and million of transactions,but in case of scientific application input may quite small and output is also small but it involves complex calculation
The processing may involved thousand of calculation so computational speed is critical.
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