Showing posts with label BASIC COMPUTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BASIC COMPUTER. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2020




In this topic we would learn various computer parts which are related to computer hardware  and we would also learn the details of computer hardware and their main function.We would learn various input and output devices    


Computer hardware is very useful components which we can see and tangible means we can able to touch such components.Computer hardware having three categories:storage,input, and output.


Central processing unit  is the brain of computer.It stores large amount of data.It is main controller which control the operation of all parts of computer

Central processing unit consists of three units 
1.Memory or storage unit
2.Control unit 
3.ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
                                1. MEMORY

The data entered by users are stored in Memory or Storage unit.
The two main types of storage devices are  memory and disk drives .Computer memory also classified
into two category
                             1.Primary Memory
                             2.Secondary Memory

Primary Memory

Primary Memory or Main memory is computer memory which can be accessed by the CPU .It is more expensive.It holds the data or the instructions which the processor currently working on .Primary memory devices are semiconductor memories
Primary memory further classified on two parts
                                                                           1.RAM(Random Access Memory)
                                                                           2.ROM(Read only Memory)
It stored the data short term basis as soon as power of the computer turned off it lost all the data so it is called volatile Memory.Data is temporary stored
It also further divided into mainly three parts
a)Static RAM (SRAM)
b)Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
c)Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM)


ROM is non-volatile memory because data is permanently stored which means when power of the computer turned off data is not lost so it is called Non volatile Memory
It also further divided into mainly Four parts

a)MROM (Masked ROM
b)PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
c)EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)
d)EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory

Secondary Memory

The Processor does not communicate with  secondary memory directly so data which are stored in secondary Memory  transferred to the primary memory which are then  accessed by the processor.Secondary memory devices are less expensive as compared to primary memory devices.Secondary memory is also known as External memory or Auxiliary memory.Secondary memory devices are magnetic and optical memories.

 Hard disk Drive : It  can store large amounts of information.The disks are of different sizes such as 1G, 10G, 40G, etc.Hard disks are flat, circular plates .It is an electro-mechanical data storage device .

Floppy Disk Drive: It stores less information than hard disk and access speed is also slow.
Now a days very few computer we are using it.

Compact Disk Drive:Compact Disk Drive is used  to access the compact disk (CD) but its having slow speed than hard disk in  terms of data accessing but can store more data than Hard Disk.In  a CD there is a hole at the center which is known as manual eject hole or it is also known as Emergency eject hole .There are three main types of CD this are
Standard manufactured CDs (CD-DA), 
CD-R recordable and 
CD-RW rewriteable

DVD:DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk.The storage is much more CD .Compact disk can hold around 700MB data where as DVD can store 5GB data.In case of CD the metal layer or recording layer located top of the disk where as in  DVD the metal layer or recording layer located middle of the disk.

FLASH DRIVE :In the flash drive the memory is called flash memory which is nothing but a type of computer chip.It has more memory than floppy disk but can store less data than hard drive.It is very fast compared to CD and DVD.It is light in weight.It is using less power than hard disk drive.

MEMORY CARDS:Memory cards are electronic device which can tore electronic data like photos,movies, games,music, documents, programs and  many more.It works like flash drive but it having additional device known as card reader.It is durable and very effective than flash drive.

                                2.CONTROL UNIT
It i mainly responsible for controlling the data transfer and instructions among the other units.It communicate with input output devices.It does not process any data.It is mainly controlling all the other parts of computer.


Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) having two section

1.Arithmetic section which is responsible for arithmetic operation like      addition,subtraction,multiplication,division.
2.Logic section :This section perform logical operation like comparing,selecting,matching etc.


1.KEYBOARD:-It is the input device through which we can type text .It is having around 104 keys.NUMBER KEYS(0-9),LETTER KEYS(A-Z),SPECIAL KEY (SPACE BAR KEY,ENTER KEY,CAPS LOCK KEY,DELETE KEY etc

2.MOUSE :-It is known as pointing devices.It helps to point different things on the computer ,draw and color and play games.It has two buttons and one wheel in center.

3.JOYSTICK:It is used to play computer games.

4.SCANNER:It copies the pictures and text from paper onto the paper.we are commonly used desktop flatbed scanner

5.LIGHT PEN:A light pen is light sensitive input device which can be used as a locator,as stroke input devices .

6.MICROPHONE:-Microphone is an input device which converts sound into signal which is stored into the computer and played back by computer


1.MONITOR : -It is the main part of computer output device looks like television also know as Visual Display Unit (VDU).Its having different sizes.Mainly three types of computer monitor are 
1.Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
2.Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)
3.LED(Light Emitting Diode)

2.PRINTER: A printer is used to print information that you see on the monitor on to the paper.The printed paper is known a hard copy or printout which can be touchable .The information on the computer is called soft copy which is not touchable.

3.PLOTTER:-A Plotters are  automated pen,pencil or marker which is used in specialized fields such as drawing, architecture and engineering. It also  can create designs such as diagrams, blueprints etc.There are two main types of plotters drum(roller) and flatbed plotters.

 Bus is communication path between two components it can be memory to input output devices ,it can be processor to input output devices.It is same like one passenger moving from one place to another the mode of communication is vehicle this may be BUS(Vehicle) same concept in computer system also.If i want to transfer data from one component to another component i can made it through bus. 

If you see the diagram you can see in the center M denotes Memory Connecting with various component diagram it is denotes as C and all this connection is made through communication Bus called BUS

Bus can be classified as 
1.Address Bus
2.Data Bus
3.Control Bus

It carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as input /output devices,primary storage. etc.
Address Bus is unidirectional means data is flow only one direction.Microprocessor to memory or from memory to input output devices.It is unidirectional because outside device not able to write into microprocessor


It carries data between the processor and other components.It is bidirectional because data can flow both direction from Memory to  input /output devices and from input /output devices to Memory .


Control Bus carries signal from the processor to other components.Control bus carries signal where data need to be transferred at sending time it carries the signal and giving alert to the components i am sending data are you ready?  After receiving  the data by the component it will sen signal to the memory an conforming yes i am received the data so signal is transmitting both ways it is  bidirectional .

So remember that only Address Bus is unidirectional and Data Bus and Control Bus is bidirectional.

Saturday, September 5, 2020



 A program is nothing but some set of instructions which is executed by computer .It is perform specific task which runs through computer operating system.All the instructions are ordered form.All the instructions are run one by one.Computers are useless without program.

Suppose you want to cook something for this you need some spices ,oil,salt etc but to prepare it you need to follow the rules that means when you have to add to oil when you have to add the salt,when you need to add various spices one by one otherwise your food will be not prepared properly.Some instructions you need to follow and should be executed accordingly. Program is just like recipe which is executed by computer sequentially.

The program is stored in a place called storage area also known as memory.

The program give the instructions to the computer and one who write the program is called programmer.

The programmer giving the instructions are called program.Now the question is that in what language the programmer can write so that computer can understand the instruction and will give the output for this a language is needed that can be understand by computer it is called programming language


 Machine Language

Computer can only understand binary form (0,1) Machine language is direct binary form a combination of 0 and 1 which computer can understand easily but to write this program you need to know the architecture of computer properly which is very difficult and all the computer not following same architecture.Machine language is very difficult .It is machine readable.It is very difficult to learn for this you need to know details about computer processor ,architecture and you need to know every thing for this which is really difficult .If any error is occurred in this language then it is also difficult to find out.For each and every architecture of a computer  you need to write different language.No symbolic code or numeric code is used in this language

Assembly Language

Assembly program is readable by machine as well as human also.It is much easier than machine level language in which numeric and symbolic code can be used .

ADD 2 ,ADD 6, is used for ADDITION 

SUB 3 is used for SUBTRACTION 

So  it is little easy for programmer to write the program.Now the problem is that how this program can be executed through computer because the computer only knows binary so i need to convert it to binary form .An assembler convert this source code and transfer it to in binary form helping computer to understand and for execution.It is easy with compare to machine level language but its having difficulty in the sense that the length of the program is large and if any error is occur in between finding out the error and rectify it is main drawback of this language.

Assembly and machine language basically low level languages. 

Abstraction means hiding the complexity from the end user .Low level language having less abstraction.It is relatively non portable.


Higher level language is much more easier to learn and write .Program length is not so long and easily rectified if error is occurred.It is human readable but again this is not readable by computer because computer understand binary language so this high level language need to be convert to machine level language.

Compiler and Interpreter doing this function which convert high level language to the binary language .

Compiler:-It scans the whole program and translates into machine code so error is not checked line by line .It is taking much more time to analyze but taking less time for execution.

Interpreter:It checks line by line ,execute line by line .It is taking less time to analyze but taking more time for execution. 

High level languages having high abstractions. All the functionalities  is hided from the end user.It is portable.


Software means nothing but a set of programs ,procedures,documentation which executed by computer and perform productive task for user.It is used to operate system computer hardware and used to perform specific task.

Computer software can be divided into three categories


When we installed any operating system one software automatic loaded in the system which helps to run the computer hardware which is nothing but system software.

It is working inside the system and communicating with system hardware so no user interaction is occurred and running independently in the background. It is very fast and secure and is used for general purpose.

Low level languages are used in system software.It is not interactive  and difficult to design.

When you switch on the computer system the system software starts and stops when you shut down the computer system. 

It actually manages the resources like memory

Examples:-Operating system software ,communication software etc.


It is depend on user requirements.Users are interacting with application software.It is dependent on system software without system software application software will not able to run .It is used to perform productive task for the user.High level language is used in application software.It is very easy to design and very interactive for user.It is specific purpose software .How long it will run totally depend on user .Starts and stops are in users hand.

Example:Business software,education software,web browser,medical software etc.


Programmer are one who writes the program and to write the program some tools are required .Programming software provide such tools (text editors,compilers,interpreters)to support the programmer  to write program using different languages.

IDE(Integrated Development Environment)-It merges essential tools into a software package and with the help of this programmer need not to type many commands for debugging ,tracing,compiling,interpreter etc because IDE has an advanced graphical user interface(GUI).

Example:-Notepad++(editor for windows),Coda(programming language editor for MAC)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Cluster computing means a group of computers,node or data points are interconnected and appears as single system.It is applicable for server also where group of servers are connected and working together which Is known as server clustering. 

In Cluster Computing Complex and larger task is divided into small tasks. 

Clusters has been used for 1980s Sun micro systems,Microsoft and many leading software and hardware companies offering clustering packages which offers scalability as well as availability. 


         1.All the nodes having the same operating system and same hardware so it is                            basically homogeneous network. 

        2.All the nodes need to be located in a single location .

        3.All the devices are connected through local area network (LAN) 

       4.One manager manages all the thing called centralized manager 
           which manages the resources. 
       5.It follows distributed and parallel processing where more than one 
          processors execute multiple task simultaneously so It is multitasking. 
       6.It is high availability and load balancing. 

       7.All the nodes doing the same job or task or operation no other task is allowed. 

       8.All the nodes are tightly coupled. 
       9.The quality of cluster is measured through its performance and how it find out the                   hidden pattern

       10.High availability which means if one node gets failed the other nodes will be proxy
            for the failed node 

       11.The software used in cluster computing is called Clustering middleware.
       12.It is followed Message Passing Interface and flexible PVM(Parallel Virtual                             Machine) message passing system for mode of communication.

       13.It is deployed in Cloud computing environment also.  

Types of Clustering
Clustering divided into different categories based upon various criteria 

               Hard Clustering: A given data point or node belongs to one cluster. 

               Soft Clustering:-A given data point or node belongs to more than one cluster.  

           Hierarchical:-Which follow top down or bottom up approach.

               Flat Clustering: No hierarchy is present and it is very simple. 

               Model based Clustering : Here data is modeled using a standard statistical                                                                       model. 

              Open Clustering :-Here all the computers or data point having IP address which                                                 are accessed by Internet .
              Closed Clustering:-The data points or node are behind the gateway which is                                                         highly protected.


 It is basically used for load balancing.It is applicable for those website where traffics are more.
Manager server is managed all the process.When end user searching for a particular webpage this request is directly sent to manager server then the manager server sent this request to similar kind of servers to fetch the data and sent it to end user.

Cluster computing also used in very low cost form of parallel processing for scientific purpose also.It is mainly used for computational purpose.

It is used for many web application such as web server,search engine,email and proxy server. 

It is used for image processing also.

Saturday, August 29, 2020





The word on-line processing means we get immediate response from the system as soon as input is given to the system or we can say waiting period is less to get the output.

It is different from batch processing where master file is not updated immediately like interest calculation of bank accounts where the response from the server is not required immediately it can be done once at the end of the day .

Now think about another application i.e. Railway  booking as soon as ticket reserved by anyone  then and then server need to be updated because if it is not done we get wrong information from the system. suppose booking a particular train ,100 tickets are available if 5 ticket is booked by a person now available ticket is 100-5=95 right now think for this particular application whether batch processing is perfect or we should apply on-line processing of course we should go for on-line processing as because we need to update the server immediately as soon as ticket booked by a person.

The system through which on-line transaction is processed is called on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems.

Now suppose  5 persons from 5 different places trying to book the ticket of the same train at same time then what happened master file need to be updated at the same time but  if this occurred  we get wrong data or record from the server here we can apply the concept of record locking.

In this process the record need to be locked when the record which is currently used  so that no one can able to update it at the same time.

Out of 5 user when the 1st user use the the data ,record updation is locked for other 4 user as soon as 1st user finishes his job other 4 users which is on queue the record is freed or unlocked for them so record locking is the main feature of on-line processing.

Now suppose the system is fail somehow now how we can know which transaction is successful and which are not here another concept is coming i.e Checkpointing which keep track of master file each and every time before and after updation.

Checkpointing helps user to restore its original position before updation or it can re-apply updation to an earlier copy.

Now if I want to track which transactions were actually applied or successful it can be done through a process named Logging which actually tracking the transactions.

· In On-Line processing each item having transaction code.

· In batch processing data is sorted but in on-line processing without sorting the transaction data it is directly fed in the secondary storage device under CPU control

·  All the data is valid or not that is checked through validation process.

· All validate data is stored on secondary storage device.

· All validated data then processed through and updated immediately in master file.


ON-Line Enquiries

If the user having any enquiry and need immediate information then on-line systems are used.

Some special enquiry program is used in such systems where transactions need not to be upated only enquiry is needed.

Lets take an example if I want to enquire my PNR STATUS or Bank account balance no need to update the master file as because this is enquiry only.Each enquiry having some enquiry code if user makes any enquiry the system runs the respective program based on the enquiry code .The information will be shown on the display screen or the information also coming printed form.

 Like in ATM if account holder want to know the balance then the output means balance coming on the ATM screen as well as we get balance in printed form.

Such systems use a special written programs called macros which is use to perform repetitive tasks .

It was used before but now we are using upgraded technique SQL(STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE) which is more flexible than macros.

Remember On-line enquiry system does not do online transaction processing.

Thursday, August 27, 2020




The word batch means nothing but  group of similar  things. items, jobs   that grouped  together and which having similar characteristics.Now in computer Batch means similar kind of jobs or similar kind of transactions .

Batch in true sense  is a technique in which similar transactions are grouped together and processed sequentially  at once without  any interruption and without end user interaction.

It  is repetitive in nature.

Lets take an example 

 In a bank so many customers maintaining their accounts now I want to calculate interest of their accounts manually which is not possible  so we have to think about  batch processing as interest calculation is similar Jobs  for all various category of accounts .   

The Interest calculation is take place outside business hour as because large number of transactions are involved which can not possible through on-line processing if we do so our daily day to day and time to time work will be effected so interest calculations is one of the example which is supported  by batch processing.

In batch processing all the resources are very effectively used.User interaction is not needed when batch processing going on. In case of transaction processing  it processed transactions one at a time but user interaction is required.


Each batch having header which having a batch number,batch type and number of documents it consists.

Forms or document which need to process are collected during whole day need to be sorted by their type.

Each separate type will create separate batch  like Batch1,Batch 2, Batch 3  now suppose if batch 1 is to large then it is splited into sub batch like B1,B2,B3



When the batch will entered into the system at first batch header information i.e Batch No,type etc.will be checked by batch entry system.

The item in the batch will be written in  file called transaction file  which will be sorted further and which helps to update  the master file.

Each transaction items are matched with respesctive master item and updated accordingly whenever  any changes are reflected a new copy of the master file will be created .

If any error is occurred an error report also generated.

In Banking system batch processing is mostly used  whether it may interest calculation,cheque clearing system charges calculation etc.It is also used in food processing,dairy processing.

It is applicable for large volume of data but not suitable for small volume of data.

Monday, August 24, 2020




              DATA PROCESSING

Today  I would like to discuss about data processing .First of all regarding this a question will arise in our mind that  data and information are same or different thing .What would be the answer lets see .

DATA is nothing but raw thing  which individual meaningless.

INFORMATION on the other hand meaningful or meaning based on the raw facts of data.

Lets take an example :COMPUTER this is a meaningful word which is nothing but an information  but I am telling  alphabet like C,O,M,P,U,T,E,R individually called data not information.When this alphabet combined and creates a meaningful words COMPUTER it is information.Now you are understand the difference between data and information.


It is performed by administrative organization for the business and is followed by systematic recording,arranging,filing,processing and reflecting the physical events occurring in the business.

Example like in an organization said Bank I want to disclose balance sheet to process that physical events I have to  collect so many information related to this means -recorded this data then arranging it properly after that filing it and processing it to get balance sheet.

In simple way data processing consists of




In any application we need to hold the data in various files that is master files and transaction files.

Master files known as permanent file and transaction file which is temporary in nature.

Lets take an example In a company named ABC Company thousand of employees are working

They are taking salary each month and for this company need to generate salary slip for every month now think about it what data is may changed and what data will be the permanent I am listing this below.





The above data is required to generate employee pay slip so from above which data need to set up in master file and which data  need to be store in transaction file it is cleared.We set all permanent data in master file and all temporary data in transaction file.