Saturday, September 19, 2020


What is E-Learning?, Why we used E-learning? ,advantages of E-Learning,What is LCMS?,What is LMS? ,Difference between LCMS and LMS,What is SCORM ?


Education is essential now a days and to do this we have to learn various things .We are learning through various site if the mode is ONLINE so the ONLINE learning is essential now a days .We are following various model in which we can deliver our learning session to the readers .The main objective of this unit to understand the details about models and and how this method is made effective and flexible.

What is E-Learning?

Basically what a trainer is delivered all this will come to reader or learner through electronic form.Any institution want to share its materials that is also in electronic form and all this are done in one platform that is web.Now if combined the above we should understand the exact definition i.e 

Any materials related to any field whether it is training material,any subject notes or any education related information which is delivered through web electronically is known as E-Learning.

ON-LINE course is one type of example of E-Learning which is very popular now a days Learners are not only get the subject related  materials but also access those materials in form of audio and video 

Why E-learning?

Today's competitive world learning is endless.Now take an example suppose an organization having thousands of employees ,technology is upgraded day by day and  for this an employee need to be upgraded regular interval. Each time organization is not able to conduct training where all the employee located different location need to come to attend a particular training center it makes it more costly.

E-Learning provide affordable training which is flexible and cost effective.An employee can get his training from his home though he may located so far no need to travel and within short period of time trainer can deliver his training session .It also able to generate reports as because various tools are available which generates the reports of student progress and can also tracks budget of the training.


1.It is cost saving.The development cost ,maintenance cost is less.

2.It helps to give the update of any topic to any learner instantly over Internet or Intranet.

3. Through on line unlimited no of colorful graphics can be delivered.

4.Any learner can get instant answer if he face any subject related difficulties.

5.It also generates various reports. student or teacher or learner  easily understand how they are progressing and their feedback also.


To understand functional model we have to understand two main important terms 

1.LCMS(Learning Content Management System)

2.LMS(Learning Management System)

LCMS(Learning Content Management System)

It is developer side ,a developer can create the learning content ,decide where to store ,how to reuse,how to manage,and how to deliver this content to multiple user.It is actually focused on course delivery .

Any learning course if you see you will find different tools are used in learning course like word,power point,video,audio LCMS combined all this tools into single system then arrange it in proper way and give the structure to crate and deliver courses to multi-user.Multiple developers or expert share their subject matter or learning content and all of this are controlled by LCMS.

Suppose a learner is searching a content LCMS provide the related content to the learner from content resources and managing all this in well formed manner.LCMS renders the respective content which a learner is looking for and also track learners progress ,bookmark,progress,test scores etc.

LMS(Learning Management System)

LMS manages the processes surrounding learning .It is helping an organization for running and LCMS gets the right content  to the right people at the right time both are helping each other though both are different in concept.

LMS makes the process of scheduling classes,it also helping to create catalogs and registering learners more efficient way. LMS manages user and communities like registration ,assignment etc.

To create Learner progress report some data is needed like learners test scores that data is collected from LCMS and forwarded to the LMS and LMS collect all the data and generate progress report.


E-Learning standards concept came into the technical field when we are thinking about multiple user accessing learning content from multiple platform .The ON-LINE courses structured like such that it can be operated by different platform so E-Learning standards is nothing but a system which follows a common rule that enable ON-LINE courses can be created  from multiple platforms and also courses can be delivered over multiple platforms .

An standard if approved by stamps from an accrediting body and its specification is signed by an accredited body like IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) it is known as de jure tandard.

Another standards known as de facto standard which is exist and adopted by mass people but officially approved .Like HTML accepted by web developers but not officially approved by an accredited body .However most of the E-learning standard fall under de facto standard.

The E-Learning standards are being adopted by four main organization

1.AICC(Aviation Industry CBT Committee)

2.IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

3.IMS(Instructional Management Systems)

4.ADL(Advanced Distributed Learning)

The most widely accepted under ADL standard is SCORM(Shareable Content Object Reference Model.It enables web related learning and content management systems to find,reuse,share,import and export learning content in consistent manner 


1.Accessibility:-It can be accessed from remote location also and can b delivered other locations

2.Adaptability:-Content manager can able to add new content easily.

3.Affordability:It is reducing the time and cost also

4.Durability:-It is durable in the sense that regardless of change or up-gradation of new technology new content can be added without reconfiguration or without costly redesign.

5.Reusability:Content developers can access different modules from different course can combined them into new course.


What is E-Learning?

Why we used E-learning?

What are the advantages of E-Learning?

What is functional Model of E-Learning?

What is LCMS(Learning Content Management System)?

What is LMS(Learning Management System)?

Difference between LCMS and LMS

What is SCORM ?

What are the advantages of SCORM ?

Author & Editor